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Conflict Resolution – the Aaronic Way

By Dov Silberman

Colarado National Monument by Pdell

In the last post we raised three different legal maxims, each separately showing the superiority of  truth, justice or peace.  Is there a Supreme Value, and if so, which is it?

Jewish jurisprudence grapples with this question.

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Justice, Truth and Peace

By Dov Silberman


Golden Lady Justice, Bruges, Belgium

“Everything sounds more impressive when said in Latin”.

So to start this blog, here are three differing Latin legal maxims, with a little excursus on their history, each of which demonstrates a different approach to solving conflicts.  We then pose the question of which principle trumps the other – justice, truth or peace.  In my next post, I will present a Talmudic discussion on the same question, and which indicates that the three approaches represented different views of Jewish jurisprudential activism, going back a very long time.

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